Te Huia, the wonderful

Have you ever found a space where inspiration flows freely, where you can turn creativity on and off like a tap? I like to hope that everyone has a place like this, somewhere, somehow, and we just have to find it. A place where work is easy, everything is done before...

Breaking down walls

What are we here for, if not for love? We’ve seen what happens now when you elevate celebrities to unreal and unnatural stardom. Where worship of what people are good at – a talent, a skill, a look, a way of expressing themselves –  makes people into little...

Ben from Mali Mali told me that it would have been Nick Drake’s 68th birthday today. I first heard of Nick Drake when a friend from Dunedin sent me a copy of Pink Moon. It’s rare for me to find an album that completely knocks me sideways, but there’s...
Finding the road home

Finding the road home

Today is World Homeless day. I often try to give money or food to people on the street – whatever the day. I know some people don’t believe in free handouts – that it sends the “wrong message” (whatever that means). And maybe if you give someone money they might spend...
Old & new

Old & new

We’re hitting the studio again! After a few changes (with people leaving to go overseas and so on), we are able to say we’re back on the road to recording something soon. Sam Ogilvie, who plays in a number of other folky outfits, has joined us on guitar and vocals....

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